Food Plant Layout
The proper design of the plant layout helps prevent cross-contamination and improve the operational efficiency. When a new plant is being designed or an existing one is being renovated; it is always better to carefully design the process flows before the construction because this effort, eventually would save money and time in future changes or fixes.
Government Approval
There are two major requirements to comply with government regulations:
- Building design, including construction material and flows
- Written procedures and policies
FSF Inc. would design your process flow, coach on the usage of construction material and prepare all the necessary documentation to ensure a successful approval by the government.
Requirements for registration with CFIA (Federal government)
- Application forms
- Selection of constructions materials
- Process flows
- Rooms location, amenities (CFIA and OMAFRA)
- HACCP Program
Requirements for registration with OMAFRA (Ontario government)
- Applications forms
- Selection of constructions materials
- Process flows
- Rooms location, amenities
- Food safety procedures and forms
GFSI Compliance
Depending on which GFSI scheme is being used (SQF, BRC, FSSC 22,000, IFS PAC Secure), there may be specific requirements when it comes to facility design and flows.
The FSF Inc. team can effectively assist you either to design the layout of a new facility or renovate an existing plant to comply with the GFSI scheme of our choice.
Label Review Service
Canadian food labelling requirements are changing. Health Canada has proposed “Food Labelling Modernization Initiative” to align with the new Safe Food for Canadian’s Act.
The proposed changes include:
- New guidelines to help make serving sizes declared in the Nutrition Facts table more consistent among similar food products. These serving sizes would be based on the most current information on the amounts of food that Canadians actually eat in one sitting, also known as reference amounts.
- Changes to the list of nutrients that must be declared in the Nutrition Facts table, and updates to the Daily Values to reflect the most recent dietary recommendations. Health Canada is also proposing to change the way the sugars content of food is presented on the label.
- Of particular interest to Canadian consumers are the changes proposed to the appearance of the Nutrition Facts table and the list of ingredients, and the proposal to create an optional information box highlighting the presence of certain bioactive components, such as caffeine.
FSF Inc. provides a full range of food label review and nutrition fact calculation.
Services include:
- Regulatory review of product formulas and label to ensure compliance with CFIA regulations.
- Database-calculated nutritional fact from your product formulas & recipes and generate Nutritional fact tables in either Canadian or US format.
- Provision of compliant Canadian bilingual ingredient and allergen declarations.
- In-house translation of food labels for bilingual mandatory requirements.
- Conversion of nutrition facts data to Canadian format and nutrition panel format determination.
- Create custom spreadsheets with potential nutrient content claims and allergen review for voluntary restaurant menu labelling.